We entered the pyramid of Giza and each one took its position. I received a crystal in my hands and began to sing the DEE SEE RAA MEE mantra, as I sang, I felt the frequency going up and the energy flowed strongly throughout my body, suddenly I left the pyramid, and in a fraction of seconds, I started activating all the pyramids of Tipaza, depositing a crystal in each place. Then I traveled through the waters of the Nile River, filling it with light. At that time they indicated to me that the Milky Way was being activated. The Nile is the reflection of the Milky Way on Earth. After that, they took me to the constellation Canis major, then to Canis minor, Then I was taken to the constellation Orion, constellation of the Dragon, The star Sirius then to Andromeda.
As we traveled I could see from Earth how different points in the sky were being activated, forming geometric figures, there were 45 points that were activated in a very short time. In each place I had contact with some beings, all of them were pure Light, some blue, others white, transparent and bright colors, each of them gave me something in my hands and took it to the heart, that the heart would be protected until next activation.
They said that they are galactic consciences that are supporting us in this project, that they are working together with us, they said that for them we are special and that they feel a lot of love and respect, each of us are beings with a pure heart and trust in which we will know how to remain neutral and united. Each of us is a fundamental channel to benefit millions of beings in the universe.
We did not manage to measure the importance of what we are going to do during the project.
In Andromeda a being sent us this message:
Beautiful beings of the Earth it is an honor to work with you. You are carriers of powerful and diamond light, our gratitude to you is infinite. You are guided and supported by many beings from the universe and from Earth. Never forget that you are loved and respected.
This project is a treasure and a seed that will germinate forever and ever.
I can tell you that it has been a wonderful trip, in a very short time, I felt my body shudder and return in a deep and inexplicable love.